The bills that were passed on January 24—Senate Bill 1411 and House Bill 8097—were combined into RA 11861 or the AKA. Expanded Solo Parent Welfare Act.

The Department of Social Welfare and Development secretary is required by RA 11861 to create a “comprehensive package” of social protection services for single parents and their families, regardless of their financial situation, that includes opportunities for employment, legal counsel and assistance, counseling services, parent effectiveness services, and stress debriefing, among others.

In order to build an authentic community for solo parents, we conduct monthly awareness campaign to educate every single parent families of their rights and privileges’ , raise awareness and speak out for the specific challenges single parented families face and  discuss solutions how to empower each other in building a future-ready support system for our children.

Due to insistent demand from private individuals and followers of Bravesole, we recently launched out first Free Call Center Foundation Skills Training online to help solo parents as well as their children, especially those who just graduated in Garde 12, enhance their English communication skills with a goal to also land a job in the BPO industry to be able to support their single-parent family.

This is a timely request since more call centers are now accepting work from home applications. Simultaneously, we are also conducting basic digital skills training for aspiring online freelancer and entrepreneurs.

We received  an overwhelming response from different solo parent communities. However, it is also our objective to ensure that our learners are improving so we only accepted the first few who signed up. Please note: The form remains open for new registrants. You will be contacted with the schedule of next training.

Have you always had that feeling of not being enough?

You “want” to help yet short of financial resources?

Well, who said it’s all about the money?

Join us and become one of our community volunteer coaches.

Your past does not dictate what you can do now and bring to your future. By generously sharing your time, you may contribute to the free trade of skills and knowledge. 

It’s not about how much you can give, but what value is received. In our community we believe that “If you give man a fish, you feed him a day, but if you teach man to fish, you feed him for life.” – Lao Tzu.


“In learning, you will teach and in teaching you will learn.” – Phil Collins

Bravesole in collaboration with Pasig Solo Parent Support Group of different barangays represented by each barangay Solo Parent Coordinator (SPC) spear-headed our First (1st) Valentine Project: Love Yourself, Love Others – Hair-Volution Challenge, where we dare solo parents for a Free-Go-Pixie/Bald Hair and a post Valentine manicure/pedicure treat. All the hairs that will be collected from each barangay shall be turned into wigs as gifts to Solo Parents and children of solo parents who will be undergoing chemotherapy.

We believe that money does not make the world go round, time does and what we do with it. As solo parents, we a motivated by our love for our children, and everything we do is in preparation for a better world and support system for them. Thus, we are inviting everyone to become a Bravesole and sign up to any of the projects lined up. A piece of our time, a little effort can definitely make a change, spark hope and bring impact to our community.


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